Shaka Wellness Helping Women With Periods Balance Hormones Without Pills Mon, 04 Oct 2021 20:59:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shaka Wellness 32 32 177764419 Thinking of Transitioning Off Your Hormonal Birth Control? Mon, 04 Oct 2021 19:52:56 +0000
Photo Credit @meg_marie_photo

Are you a woman who has acne breakouts?

Are your periods irregular and unpredictable?

Do you bleed heavily during your period week?

Are your cramps painful and debilitating?

Do you want to prevent pregnancy?


If you said “yes” to one or more of these questions, you are not alone.

These are the most common reasons women take Hormonal Birth Control (HBC).

It is true that HBC can address all of these concerns.  More often than not, a woman can get a prescription for the HBC of her choice from her doctor just by asking for it.  The doctor may or may not educate her of all the risks and side effects.  I can only speak of my own experience, but I’m sure I am not alone.  When I was 19, my college roommate recommended I take “The Pill” for my acne.  It helped her so I figured it would help me too.  I went to the Campus Student Health Clinic and asked for a prescription for “The Pill” and without any follow up questions or education, I got it.

Knowing what I know now, I wished I had been informed of the risks and side effects so I could have made a proper informed decision.  I can’t change the past so I will share this information with women so that they can make an informed decision that is best for them now.


Why would women choose to take HBC?  Women are not intentionally choosing to make a bad decision.  We make the best decision we can with the information that we have at the time.  We don’t know what we don’t know.  There is no blame or judgment.

There are many reasons why women choose HBC to treat their issues.  Some are the following:

  • Taking HBC is an ‘easy’ solution because it is effortless.
  • HBC is a ‘One and Done’ solution and I don’t have to think about it again.
  • The result is relatively quick and I feel better now.
  • They trust their Dr. knows all the side effects and will tell them everything they need to know.  However not all doctors know all the side effects.


Why am I talking about this?  How did I get here?

My drive to help other women is rooted in my own experience.

I learned I had a health issue.  I was dedicated to fixing it naturally with nutrition and exercise rather than resorting to taking prescription medication.  Following the breadcrumbs of my research led me to take a closer look at the HBC I had been taking for decades.  It was at this moment that I made the connection of the effects HBC was having on my health.   Once I got off of HBC I finally saw the impact my food choices and exercise were making on my health in the right direction.

Through research I learned about the effects of HBC on the body.  One of the side effects of HBC is vitamin and nutrient deficiency.  HBC depletes the body of B vitamins (riboflavin, B6, B12, and folic acid), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Magnesium and Zinc.

We all know our bodies need vitamins but what do these do and why are they important?

  • B vitamins prevent anemia, are important for nerve health, and help eliminate toxins.  Vitamin C is an antioxidant critical for cell health, and collagen formation.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects our heart, skin, and immune system.
  • Selenium is important for thyroid health.
  • Magnesium plays an important role in energy, sleep, mood, and muscle relaxation.
  • Zinc is critical for our immune system, skin health, energy and eye health.

How does HBC deplete these vitamins and minerals?  HBC limits the bioavailability of these vitamins and minerals by affecting our liver function and gut permeability.  The net effect results in the liver unable to metabolize the nutrients to allow our body to absorb them properly.

What should you do?  We have to replenish these missing nutrients.  Adding extra fruits and vegetables and maybe even vitamin supplements initially will be important.  Supplements will get your body regulated faster which means getting your period back sooner.  However, If taking supplements is not your thing, we can just use food.  But if your period is not returning as expected or your HBC withdrawal symptoms are escalating, consider taking supplements for only the first three months to jumpstart your body.  After which your food choices may be sufficient to supply your body with what it needs.

HBC prevents your Liver from working optimally.  The Liver is the body’s filter.  So if the filter is clogged, toxins and excess anything can’t exit the body and builds up and causes problems like High Cholesterol, GallStones, and Liver Tumors.  So let’s show the Liver some love and support.  We do this with Liver-Loving foods that help it detoxify the body.  A Liver Detox cleanse would also be beneficial in speeding up this process to get HBC’s out of your body and get your period back sooner.

When I first started my journey of transitioning off HBC years ago, I had trouble finding the right information that could help me transition.

As the scientist and doctor that I am, I looked all over for it and was finally able to put it together as I applied it. Today I am off HBC and successfully balanced my hormones and period without the symptoms coming back.

Reboot To Balance is that process and information put together neatly inside a 5 week program. Saving you time and money to get to living the life you deserve without your period getting in the way anymore.


The #1 way I solved this problem and got the best results led to my program, Reboot To Balance.  I’ve developed a program that combines Ayurvedic principles with the phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle.  By working with the natural rhythms and phases of a woman’s cycle, we support the needs of the body.

Inside Reboot To Balance, my 5 week group program that helps bring your period back with ease, together we find where you are in your cycle even if you haven’t had your period in months or it isn’t regular and use it as the starting point to bring in Ayurvedic principles to jump start the body’s natural rhythms.

By the end of Reboot To Balance,

  • You will have an understanding of your unique Ayurvedic mind-body map
  • Know which of the 4 menstrual phases you are in
  • Have a clear understanding of what to eat and when to eat to support each menstrual cycle
  • And finally understand how to start working with your body.


The Reboot To Balance program is not the only option for getting your period back after HBC.  Some alternative methods women may turn to can include the following:

  • Reading books: Beyond The Pill, Period Repair Manual, The Fifth Vital Sign, Woman Code, In The Flo
  • Switching to a different HBC.
  • Treating the side effects, i.e. the acne, the painful cramps, the weight gain, with topical skin treatments, taking pain relieving medication, and calorie restrictive dieting, respectively.  However treating the side effects doesn’t address the source of the problem and therefore, is not the best solution in the long term.


There are multiple ways to get where you want to go.  You can figure it out on your own with reading books and trial and error.  You can ask advice from multiple people.  You can choose to have a mentor who will take you to your destination and guide you along the path they took themselves.

Interestingly, according to studies reported in, your chances of successfully reaching your goal increases from 8% to 95% when you have a mentor.


In the Reboot To Balance program, I offer education, support and accountability.  As your mentor, your likelihood in achieving your destination of getting your period back after HBC greatly increases compared to the alternative methods.

Along with support and accountability, the education you receive is rooted in Ayurveda, and is based on the uniqueness of the individual as opposed to the one-size-fits-all approach.  It addresses the nutrients the body needs for optimal health.  By incorporating these principles into your daily life you are making a sustainable lifestyle change so that you can maintain it for the long term.

It is this combination that makes what I’m recommending better than the alternative methods.


This program has worked for other women besides myself.  A few thoughts from past clients before they met me:

They felt fed up, frustrated, and feeling crappy about their body and relationships.  They weigh more than they ever have and don’t know why.  Their relationships are not in the best place because they lash out over things that never used to bother them before.  What is happening?  Why is this happening?  Can this be fixed? Is there something I can do to fix this?

When they met me and incorporated the Reboot To Balance program principles, they said:

The new knowledge they learned in Reboot To Balance brought awareness to their bodies and therefore better understanding, eliminating frustration.

After completing the Reboot to Balance program, they feel so much happier, relieved and nourished.  All they needed was some information to bring clarity and a new perspective.


My approach is successful because it focuses on supporting the 4 menstrual phases, month after month no matter what season of life she is in. Our bodies, just like life, ebbs and flows.  It is this natural rhythm that we work with and not against.  This is how we stay in harmony and balance.

This is information that everyone needs to know.  It’s not new information.  But it’s not widely known.  As women we need to understand our bodies so we don’t get confused or frustrated like I felt when I began my journey years ago.  I wish I knew then what I know now.  I would have made different choices.  We’ve all felt that way at some time or another. Now that I have this information, I want to share it and help other women in the way this information and method has helped me.


If you’re ready to start your journey off HBC and reclaim your natural rhythm by discovering your unique Ayurvedic mind-body map then I invite you to book a call with me!

Together we will talk about where you’re at now.  How are you feeling?  What are you doing? Are you tired of it?  Where do you want to be?  How do you want to feel?  Do you want that now?

Is this important enough to you now to do something about it?

I Want to Book My Call Now!

Looking for a coffee substitute? Fri, 07 May 2021 18:37:52 +0000 Are you exhausted by 3:00 p.m.? 🥱

Is your morning cup of coffee wearing off?

Did you ever stop to think that the reason you’re feeling tired is because of your morning coffee habit AND your hormones AND your liver? 🤔

WHAT!? How is that possible?  Your hormones and liver function are involved with how you metabolize caffeine.  They are all connected. 🤯


Let’s talk about coffee …

☕ Caffeine is a stimulant. You’re thinking, “I know, that’s why I drink it.”

However, after the buzz your body crashes. Now you’re exhausted. These extremes of energy is not sustainable.

If you’re not ready to give up caffeine completely, here is a good alternative.

🍵 Green tea or matcha is an excellent substitute for coffee. It still has some caffeine so any withdrawal symptoms will be minimal. It’s packed with antioxidants to help your body heal giving you more energy without the midday crash.

🙋🏻‍♀️If you have questions and or you’re not sure what to do, Book a Coaching Call to see how you can go from Run Down to Energized.

This Coaching Call is a FREE 30 minute call.  During the call, we will figure out the WHAT and WHY of your frustrations. By the end of the call you will have clarity on your next right step to get to the HOW and if working together is a good fit to get you feeling better in your body.

I Want to Book My Call Now!

I look forward to talking with you 😊

