Eat The Right Foods & Feel Less Stressed

Understand What Your Body Needs When You Shift Your Focus, Come Back to Balance, and Align Your Life with Ayurveda


Do you get caught up in all the different diet trends, not knowing which one to follow?  Wondering which one is the ‘right’ one?  Wondering which one you need? What foods to eat? Which are the ‘good’ foods to eat and which ‘bad’ foods to avoid?  In the end feeling confused and so overwhelmed and now paralyzed with the flood of information that you end up not doing anything?

I can show you what you could be, what life could be and what you need.  I show you that this is possible because I lived through it and I show you what is possible for you.  I wasn’t always where I’m at now. I struggled too.

Frustrated with trying to find the ‘right’ foods to eat to lower my cholesterol led me to going to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.  Learning about Ayurveda showed me that eating for my body and mind type was the correct path to health and wellness.  Finding out what was possible was so motivating.  The principles made so much sense to me and it was a natural transition.  I’ve integrated this into my daily life and it has helped me so much that I want to share this with others.

I will guide you and empower you so that you will feel confident not only in your food choices but in how you feel in your body.

Empowering you with the knowledge of Ayurveda and how it can address your health concerns will give you the confidence that this will get you to finally achieve the goals you’ve been wanting and deserving for so long.

I am here to help people that are looking for direction to find what is correct for you in terms of food, nutrition, exercise, stress management, energy, and mindset.

I can provide you with the support you need to ease your fears, to help you heal.  I am naturally intuitive.  I have an inner knowing of what people need to ease their distress and provide solutions.  I can guide and support you to let go of things that no longer serve you and move through things that don’t work.  I will help you feel safe in your decision along this journey.


Join me on a multi-day Retreat and I will walk you through how to use Ayurveda and your unique Dosha to develop a blueprint to help you hit your goals, feel amazing in your body and confident in your life. The best part is this blueprint will be unique to YOU and you alone – no one-size-fits-all-approach here!


What do you get when you are part of the Retreat?

  • Support and guidance from fellow like-minded women in a Group Coaching setting
  • Learning how to choose and prepare Dosha appropriate foods
  • Learning how to move your body that is most appropriate for you that feels good to you
  • Learning how to manage stress so that you can respond with grace and ease


If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, Save Your Spot on the Waitlist now and you will receive updates when Registration opens.



Save Me A Spot


Get Comfortable In Your Own Skin
Learn to Eat the Right Foods for YOUR Body
Learn What Physical Activities are Best for YOUR Body Photo Credit @meg_marie_photo